12 Quotes By Phil Dunphy To Get You Through Life
There’s philosophy and there’s Phil’s-osophy and to be honest, I’m a big fan of the latter.
Phil Dunphy from Modern Family has been giving us some of the best advice to get through life and some serious #DadGoals.
I can’t believe it’s the final season! I’m going to miss him big time. Meanwhile, let's take a look at some epic Phil-LOL-sophies to live by.
1. Yep. Get out there and throw surprises at life! Show it that you’re the strongest!
2. Couldn’t agree more!
3. He’s right. Cool-ness is his thang!
4. If you ever feel lonely, you know what to do.
5. Let it go already!
6. Sometimes, pyaar kiya toh darna zaroori hai!
7. Why judge them when you can read their biographies?
8. Because rhyming is everything!
9. To upgrade your happiness quotient, lower your expectations.
10. Makes sense.
11. The kind of support we all need.
.12. Hadn’t really thought of it, no?
Wisdom never looked this hilarious! So, whenever you get stuck or feel low, you know you can always lean on Phil Dunphy. He truly understands your ‘Phil’eengs.
And for some more laughter you can always checkout Black Dog Packaged Water Easy Evenings and LOL away!